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Something New

          First year high! Carmela arrived happy and fresh, she then started wandering around her new school because she was so excited to be a freshmen. The girl was so eager and keen to have a good time on that day. She met new friends and exchanged schedules just so they can take their lunch together. It was indeed a happy day for the young lady. She went home, quickly changed her dress and started talking to her new friends for hours. No words can explain the joy Carmela felt that day. The alarm rang at exactly 5 am and she stood up, ate her breakfast and took a shower. It was her second day as a junior high and she still can’t believe that she is now a high school student.


          She arrived at her school and went to her designated room and started talking to her classmates again. On that day, she started to feel confident about almost everything, specifically her physique. First and second grading had passed, she’s still happy and contented on what she had. Especially when she saw her name on the list for candidates for honors, he can’t believe that she’d be on the top 10. Carmela was jumping out of happiness. She celebrated her achievement with her family.


           The happiness continued for a few months and then the nightmare began. It was the Third grading when Carmela’s classmates started calling her names, at first Carmela just didn’t care at all because she believed all of that is just a joke but it started hurting her feelings more often. The things they said is stuck in her head. Those words made her hate going to school because all those break time and lunch were just filled with dread. She wanted to ignore them all but it just won’t work because it is easier said than done.

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